March 25, an online meeting was held for parents of college students devoted to the organization of training at the college in the context of preventing the spread of coronavirus in the Russian Federation.

The hosts of the online meeting were Yakov Silin, USUE Rector, Dmitry Karkh, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Alexandra Morozova, head of Curriculum and Instruction Office, and Larisa Cheganova, acting director of the USUE college. Among the participants of the meeting were the staff and teachers of the college. The parents of college students participated in the online meeting, connecting to the broadcast via the University’s channel.

During the meeting, Larisa Cheganova told in detail about the main features of training at the USUE  college using distance technologies.

The hosts answered parents' questions online. The parents were interested in the procedure for conducting interim attestation of students and final attestation of graduates. How will the issuance of certificates and other documents necessary for students and parents be organized? How can one pay for training? How long can online training last?

One of the main questions of parents was the possibility to view recorded lectures if, for some reason, a student could not connect online. Dmitry Karkh emphasized that even though one could watch recorded lectures, an online connection should be proof of class attendance.

Parents, in turn, thanked the University and the college for the prompt switching to a full distance-learning mode with lectures and practical classes given online. They also appreciated the work of class masters, methodologists, college administration, and acting college director Larisa Cheganova for the efficient arrangement of informing and advising students and their parents on e-learning.

March 25, an online meeting was held for parents of college students devoted to the organization of training at the college in the context of preventing the spread of coronavirus in the Russian Federation.

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