Autumn means the Ural Economic Forum!

The program of the III Ural Economic Forum "The Urals - a Driver of Neo-industrial and Innovative Development of Russia" with the key topic "Challenges of Digitalization and Resources for Growth" began with scientific sessions with the involvement of partners from Russian universities and industrial enterprises and experts from abroad and CIS countries.

The forum, organized jointly with the Ural branches of the Free Economic Society of Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the International Union of Economists, was opened with a session dedicated to the legal and managerial mechanisms for ensuring the innovative development of the Urals and Russia. Its moderators were Associate Professor Alexander Kurdyumov,  director of the USUE Institute of Public and Municipal Administration and Law, Ph.D. in Economics, and Professor Natalia Vlasova, Doctor of Economics, the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration  The meeting was opened by Professor Yakov Silin, a member of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, USUE Rector, Doctor of Economics:

Development of the economy is impossible without innovations! We live in the most industrial region of Russia at the junction of Europe and Asia, where the most important development tool is the continuity of science with practice, the interaction of education, business, and government. We should together solve common problems that our University brings up for discussion every year. The results of our forum will definitely be published."

The event was attended by representatives of government authorities, scientific and academic community, including USUE partners from Moscow, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and South Ossetia. They made presentations and discussed issues of gender policy, demonopolization processes, legal foundations of innovative development, and other topics that revealed the trends of the modern digital economy.

Achieving gender equality is one of the main factors of sustainable human development. All states of the world are interested in this problem. At the end of 2020, the average level of gender equality in the world was 76%; the highest level was recorded in France, Belgium, Canada, Latvia, Sweden, and some other countries. This is about 5% of the total number of countries. These indicators resulted from an increase in the number of women in various spheres of social and economic life,” continued the meeting Elmira Syzdykova, head of the Department of Accounting and Audit at the E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University (Republic of Kazakhstan), Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor.  

The program of the III Ural Economic Forum "The Urals - a Driver of Neo-industrial and Innovative Development of Russia" with the key topic "Challenges of Digitalization and Resources for Growth" began with scientific sessions with the involvement of partners from Russian universities and industrial enterprises and experts from abroad and CIS countries.

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