INCLUSION in support of successful education

April 24-25, 2018, the USUE Office for Interaction with Employers organized the refresher courses "Forming Communicative Competence for Interaction with Disabled People ".

At the courses, USUE staff learned to interact with people who have health restrictions and disabilities. Lectures and trainings were conducted by inclusion specialists of the Accessible Environment Center, Sverdlovsk Regional Special Library for the Blind, All-Russia Society of the Deaf, and psychologists.
Masters of inclusion told how to build a dialogue with people who are in a wheelchair, deaf, blind or suffering from a mental illness.

Often, communicating with people with disabilities, we do not know how to do it correctly, what things you should stop saying and doing to disabled people. We cannot assess what kind of help a person really needs and where he can do it himself. It's no secret that many disabled people try not to show off, and even carefully hide their difference from others, so it is important to show tact not to wound the person's pride. At each lesson, the coach-teacher specially focuses trainees' attention to such moments.
Under the guidance of the master of inclusion, Sergei Uymin, the trainees, wearing bandages over their eyes, taking a white cane, together with the attendant, tried to find the door handle, open it, walk down the corridor, climb, and then go down the stairs. Afterwards, they shared their twofold impressions, admitted that they felt helpless, the corridor, which they had passed through hundreds of times, seemed completely unfamiliar to them. They experienced fear of the usual obstacles with which the visually impaired or the blind face daily throughout their life.
At first glance, Sergei Uimin voiced the truths of truth: how to meet a disabled person, how to seat a blind person in a chair, how to describe the configuration of a room, for example, an airport. But it turned out that not everyone knows how to make this comfortable for both parties of communication. The benefits of such training are beyond doubt.

" Improving the level of accessible environment for people with disabilities, including for young people, is one of the priorities within the framework of state policy. Such work is also being done at the University,” Elena Ovsyannikova, deputy director of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law stressed. These courses are one of the steps to ensure our staff working with students, including those with disabilities, has improved their competence and communication."
At the end of the course "Forming Communicative Competence for Interaction with Disabled People" the teachers and staff of the University will receive certificates of professional development.

April 24-25, 2018, the USUE Office for Interaction with Employers organized the refresher courses "Forming Communicative Competence for Interaction with Disabled People ". At the courses, USUE staff learned to interact with people who have health restrictions and disabilities. Lectures and trainings were conducted by inclusion specialists of the Accessible Environment Center, Sverdlovsk Regional Special Library for the Blind, All-Russia Society of the Deaf, and psychologists. Masters of inclusion told how to build a dialogue with people who are in a wheelchair, deaf, blind or suffering from a mental illness.

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