A sculpture of Russia has been installed at USUE

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted the opening of sculpture "Russia". The statue represents our country as a strong young woman. It organically combines decisiveness to fight for Fatherland and at the same a female principle. The sculpture was donated to the University by its graduate, Sima Land CEO Denis Veshkurtsev.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin told about the history of this sculpture creation. According to the Rector, this unique symbol for Russia was cast by Urals masters as part of the famous Kasli casting room at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900. The sculpture so much impressed everybody that the French government offered to buy it out but the Urals masters refused with the words "Russia is not for sale!"  "I would like to say many thanks to our graduate for the system cooperation with the University. This symbol of Russia is now installed within the walls of our University. I sincerely congratulate everyone on this landmark event," Yakov Silin summed up his speech.

Denis Veshkurtsev, CEO of Sima Land, assured everyone that at this stage, his assistance to the University would not stop. He also said some words about the statue, "This sculpture has a very strong patriotic component. I would like the University to get a new tradition connected with it, for example, to rub the leg of a statue to pass exams with flying colors. This would be good both for students and for the University. "

Mikhail Pyatkov, a university employee and a WWII veteran, said, "Everything you do today should remain in your memory for many years to come. You must ensure that Russia always flourishes. This will be your merit. This is your task. And this is what you would devote your whole life to. "

We would like to note that the original sculpture is now stored in the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts. At the USUE lobby, a scaled-down replica has been installed.

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted the opening of sculpture "Russia". The statue represents our country as a strong young woman. It organically combines decisiveness to fight for Fatherland and at the same a female principle. The sculpture was donated to the University by its graduate, Sima Land CEO Denis Veshkurtsev.

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