The first diplomas were awarded to postgraduates at Ural State University of Economics

Today, at USUE, the first diplomas on completion of postgraduate courses and confer of "Researcher “ qualification . Despite the fact that the postgraduate school does not provide for the division into the "red" and "blue" diplomas (with honors and without honors)  it is worth noting that all graduates completed the courses with the highest grades. This year, all over the country young scientists were trained at postgraduate school under the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) programs.

Diplomas were awarded to four graduates:

Artem Burak (area "Economics", specialty "Economics and management of national economy", scientific adviser -  V. Dubrovsky, Department of Enterprise Economics)

Andrei Vovchenko (area "Economics", specialty "Economics and management of national economy", scientific adviser - A, Kosintsev, Department of Regional and, Municipal Economics and Management)

Ekaterina Podshivalova (area "Economics", specialty “Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics", scientific adviser - N.  Stozhko, Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Informatics)

Royala Sofueva (area "Economics", sp[fecality "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics", scientific adviser  - E. Vinogradova, Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Informatics).

Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin congratulated the graduates and expressed hope that young scientists would not stop and next year would defend their Ph.D. theses: "You are ready for scientific work - you have proved it."

Royala Sofueva spoke about the prospects opened after graduation, "The main purpose of this training is to defend a thesis. The postgraduate school extends the horizons and gives an opportunity to express oneself not only in the scientific field but also in teaching. These are boundless possibilities and all the rest depends on the person alone."

Olga Feofilaktova, head of Department for Doctoral Programs and Advanced Training of Academic Personnel  told about innovations, "As for now, there is no approved form of compulsory work for postgraduate students in the future. We see how things are changing and it is likely that soon one should have such a diploma to work as a teacher. Officially, the scheme for the preparation of postgraduate students has changed so that new disciplines have appeared, now this is the third level of education, with a diploma awarding (previously a diploma was not awarded). We expect our postgraduates will defend their theses within a year as it is also a very important indicator for our university. "

Next step for young scientists is the defending of Ph.D. theses and we wish them successfully overcome this scientific milestone.

Today, at USUE, the first diplomas on completion of postgraduate courses and confer of "Researcher“ qualification. Despite the fact that the postgraduate school does not provide for the division into the "red" and "blue" diplomas (with honors and without honors) it is worth noting that all graduates completed the courses with the highest grades. This year, all over the country young scientists were trained at postgraduate school under the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) programs.

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