Courses on management practices for NPO Avtomatiki have been completed at USUE

Yesterday, Ural State University of Economics completed the program of advanced training "Management practices: planning and forecasting techniques at a modern enterprise" for employees of NPO Automatiki. For several days, the department managers systematized their knowledge and improved negotiation skills. The final "test" for the participants was a business game "Management Practices: Blamestorming."

The entire format of the program of professional development presupposed quality feedback from experts at all stages of interaction between participants, and the business game was no exception. This training helped participants try on different roles in the negotiations, try different communication strategies, and get an expert assessment of their actions. Communicative battles touched upon political and business situations in which managers might be placed.

A course trainee, the head of the Digital Signal Processing Department of NPO Automatiki Alexander Vagin: "Frankly speaking, I really liked the courses. They were both useful and interesting. We liked the approach to the presentation of materials offered by our teachers Konstantin Yurkevich and Anastasia Pesha. I attend the training for the second time; previously we had on-job training and it was focused on teambuilding. This time, the context was more oriented toward development and I felt it. Between the third and the fourth day, I even could not sleep thinking about the information I had received. "

Participants noted the high level of organization of the program: every day the USUE Rector Yakov Silin came in to learn about the training process and shared his experience. The number of ideas generated during four days pleasantly pleased both the trainees and experts. The employees of NPO Automatiki expressed special thanks to the USUE canteen for good meals and to the recently opened confectionery shop.

The completion of the program was the awarding of 19 participants with certificates of professional development.

Yesterday, Ural State University of Economics completed the program of advanced training "Management practices: planning and forecasting techniques at a modern enterprise" for employees of NPO Automatiki. For several days, the department managers systematized their knowledge and improved negotiation skills. The final "test" for the participants was a business game "Management Practices: Blamestorming."

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