Memory Vigil: the searches continue

The first week of "Memory Vigil" expedition was completed. Members of the USUE student search group "Honor and Memory "continue to work on a large burial in Kursk district, where on 29 August 1941 the first attacks of German fascist aviation took place.

Late October 1941 German units approached northern outskirts of Kursk in near villages Ovsyannikovo, Sapogovo, Shuklinka, and since first days of November a long, fifteen-month occupation of the city began.

The camp of the search group "Honor and Memory "is located just near the village of Shuklinka. The students are working on a large burial of fighters of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA): to get to the burial they clear the area from bushes, remove approximately two-meter layer of ground. On one of the hardest site Taraz Marchenko and Ivan Novoselov, students of Ural State University of Economics, are working.

Beginners are being taught directly while digging: lectures on anthropology, training how to carefully raise remains.

Irina Bogdanova, the head of "Honor and Memory" group says about the work with burial: "We gently clear the soil and see the full picture of the skeleton: how he lying, what kind of injuries he received and hope to find any signs, by which we could identify a fighter - dog tag or some personal belongings. On the ninth day of the expedition we raised seven Red Army soldiers, but there were no dog tags with them".

Even after a working day, things are humming in the camp. The head of the USUE group says: "Our camp is quite friendly, and this should come as no surprise: most searchers are good-natured. We have common goal and it does not matter which corner of the country arrived our volunteers arrived from.

There is less than a week left till the end of the expedition.

The first week of "Memory Vigil" expedition was completed. Members of the USUE student search group "Honor and Memory" continue to work on a large burial in Kursk district, where on 29 August 1941 the first attacks of German fascist aviation took place.

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