From 7 May 2020, a demonstration of the video-flash mob “Victory Waltz” organized by Ural State University of Economics starts on the air of the Regional Television (OTV).


A unique project dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was invented at USEU 6 years ago and since then, has been held annually. “Victory Waltz” has become an international action in which young people from more than 30 cities of Russia and six neighboring countries take part.

 Among the participants of the dance event are young people from youth centers, colleges, institutes, universities, theater actors, and other indifferent participants. There are both amateurs and professional dancers.

 A video with Victory Waltz beloved by many residents of the region, can be viewed on OTV:


07/05/2020 - 11:15, 13:08, 17:10 

08/05/2020 - 11:15, 13:55, 16:50 

09/05/2020 - 09.00, 13:55, 17:25 


From 7 May 2020, a demonstration of the video-flash mob “Victory Waltz” organized by Ural State University of Economics starts on the air of the Regional Television (OTV).

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