Creativity is important

April 11, Ural State University of Economics hosted the finals of the website building championship “Create Your Website” held among college students of Yekaterinburg.

Students presented socially important projects in such areas as helping the homeless, a charity fund for those having cancer, and an animal shelter.


Talented students from USUE College, I.I. Polzunov Ural State College, Sverdlovsk College of Arts and Culture, and Yekaterinburg College of Transport Construction used the programming languages HTML, Java, and CSS for their projects.

Eight teams, each with up to four people, competed in the championship, which USUE held for the fourth time.

 “The most important thing in any software development is teamwork. In an information project, one person works on user friendliness, another - on model development, and a third one - on site coding. This practice will be incredibly useful if young people decide to continue their studies at a university,” Alexander Kokovikhin, director of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security, said.

 The jury decided on the winner based on several criteria: the social significance of the site, creative approach, and originality of the idea.

 As a result, the team of girls from the I.I. Polzunov College won, representing the charity project “Shelter for Pets.”

 The winners will take part in the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, which will be held from April 22 to 26 this year.

USUE has announced the best student creators of web resources

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