Vectors of the development of science at USUE

The scientific direction of universities is more relevant than ever for the modern economy and education system. It is it that lays the prospects for the development of modern society, and also develops students' skills in conducting research, critical and systemic thinking. 
In this regard, the Ural state University of Economics has been actively developing scientific research all these years, and the results suggest that this type of activity brings the university to leadership positions in the region's economic science. 

So, over the past year, USUE has increased the volume of funded research projects, university scientists have won 18 grants, the funds of which went to research on relevant topics, supported by the scientific expert community of key donors of the country. 
For comparison, 10 RFBR grants and 1 Presidential grant were received in 2017. About 100 contracts for research were concluded in 2018 with the real sector of the economy, their results are used to improve the performance of many companies in the region. Food and biotechnology should be singled out as an actively developing scientific field. 

There are 3 dissertation councils in economic and technical sciences in USUE. In the 2018-2019 academic year in the dissertation councils at the University 1 thesis for the degree of doctor of Sciences and 13 theses for the degree of candidate of Sciences were defended, of which 1 doctoral and 5 candidate theses were defended by the employees of the University. 

In the academic year 2018-2019, the university conducted more than 80 scientific and practical events, including 6 major scientific and practical conferences and forums, including the conference “Ural - XXI Century: Macro-Region of Neo-Industrial and Innovative Development”, International Scientific and Practical Conference "New industrialization: global, national, regional dimension." 
The publication activity of USUE scientists has increased significantly. Over the past year, they have prepared 1988 publications, of which almost half are articles in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, Web of Science and Scopus. Realizing the importance of increasing the number of publications in foreign publications, due to organizational work, the university managed to provide a 33% increase in this indicator compared to last year

The scientific direction of universities is more relevant than ever for the modern economy and education system. It is it that lays the prospects for the development of modern society, and also develops students' skills in conducting research, critical and systemic thinking.

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