Hungarian Kodolanyi Janos University will be a new USUE partner

To develop international partnerships, the Vice-Rector for Social Work of Ural State University of Economics, Roman Krasnov, held an online meeting with representatives of one of the leading universities in Hungary, Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences.

Roman Valerievich told his Hungarian colleagues about Yekaterinburg, introducing it as the dynamically developing industrial capital of the Urals, located on the border of Europe and Asia, where about 200 thousand Russian and international students study. USUE is a leading economic and technological university, where about 15 thousand students from 60 countries pursue college, bachelor, master, and postgraduate programs.

 “We have carefully studied the areas of training and specializations of Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences and noted many coincidences with our educational programs in the field of tourism, hospitality, management, IT-technologies, etc. These are the ways where we can cooperate. You will also be interested to know that this academic year we have launched two new areas for the English language master's degree program: International Business and Tourism. Today, within the framework of the academic exchange, 417 students from 13 countries of the world study with us. We are ready to host double degree programs, retraining of personnel and advanced training of teachers. Besides, we can organize research-to-practice events and conduct collaborative studies. USUE is already cooperating with Hungarian universities and is ready to expand this cooperation,” Roman Krasnov addressed his colleagues.

The USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work invited future partners to participate in the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, a key international scientific event in the life of the University, which will take place in April 2022.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed on the signing of a cooperation agreement by the rectors of the two universities. The ceremony will take place online in the coming days, after which a roadmap of joint events will be prepared. To exchange students and teachers, the universities will also develop a joint Erasmus + program. In addition, USUE accepted an offer to participate in International Week, an international event for students and teachers organized by Kodolanyi Janos University. The format of participation will be approved subject to the epidemiological situation.

To develop international partnerships, the Vice-Rector for Social Work of Ural State University of Economics, Roman Krasnov, held an online meeting with representatives of one of the leading universities in Hungary, Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences.

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