Olga Ergunova, Chairperson of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, associate professor of the Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management took part in the All-Russia Conference of Young Scientists "Far Horizons of Science" and the VIII All-Russia Congress of Councils of Young Scientists and Specialists (St. Petersburg). The aim of the events was to involve young scientists, teachers, postgraduates and students in solving the problems defined by the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation  (Russian abbreviation – SNTR).

The SNTR was approved by the Decree No. 642 of the President of the Russian Federation of 1 December 2016. According to the document, the scientific and technological development of our country is determined by a complex of external and internal (in relation to the field of science and technology) factors that form a system of great challenges, and science and technologies are one of the key tools for meeting these challenges. Overcoming each of the challenges requires the domestic science to solve new complex tasks that require the pooling of significant resources of the scientific and technological sphere, as well as the transition to new mechanisms for the management and organization of scientific activity.

Young scientists are the driving force behind Russia's development in present and future. Their creative potential and energy make it possible to look beyond the long horizons of science and find complex solutions for current problems. In accordance with the program of the Conference, presentations were made of bold and ambitious projects by young scientists aimed at overcoming big challenges. More than 500 scientific leaders from all over the country took part in the event. In addition, the VIII All- Russia Meeting of Councils of Young Scientists and Specialists was held as part of the Conference. At the meeting, it was proposed to coordinate activities of the Councils for 2018-2020 in the solution of the SNTR tasks.

More than 500 people from various regions of the Russian Federation took part in the Conference and Congress, including members of the councils of young scientists and specialists, representatives of development institutions and public authorities, as well as young scientists selected on a competitive basis, heads of research and entrepreneurial projects, laboratories, and scientific groups.

Председатель Совета молодых ученых УрГЭУ, доцент кафедры Региональной, муниципальной экономики и управления Ольга Ергунова приняла участие во Всероссийской конференции молодых учёных «Дальние горизонты науки» и VIII Всероссийском съезде Советов молодых ученых и специалистов (г. Санкт-Петербург). Целью мероприятий было привлечь молодых ученых, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов к решению задач, определенных Стратегией научно-технологического развития Российской Федерации (СНТР).

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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