Ural State University of Economics is proud of its graduates — successful managers, talented experts, and high-skilled professionals. Andrey Goncharov, CEO and founder of PRO Group, showed through personal example that studying at USUE gave a great chance to get a dream job.

Regularly in our new section “Power & Business about USUE”, representatives of state authorities and heads of large enterprises will tell why the best specialists in the field of economics and finance are trained at our University.   

Vasily Sizikov, the head of the Serov city district, and Lev Kovpak, a deputy of the 7th city Duma, told why USUE was a pipeline of talents and sought-after professionals.

Alexander Vervein, the head of Volchansk urban district, and Igor Kovpak, the president of Kirovskiy group of companies, came up with arguments in their video messages proving why studying at the University today is a springboard for tomorrow’s productive work for the benefit of the country and the Sverdlovsk region. 

Ural State University of Economics is proud of its graduates — successful managers, talented experts, and high-skilled professionals. Today, former USUE students hold leading positions in governmental bodies and implement the most daring business ideas.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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