Important: Rising incidence of COVID-19

Past week, more than 700 beds for COVID-19 patients have been deployed in healthcare facilities, according to the data from the local anti-coronavirus task force. Over the past day, the diagnosis was confirmed in 138 persons.

At Ural State University of Economics, they have made all the arrangements necessary for a safe learning process. However, not all the risks can be eliminated. USUE management strongly recommends all employees and students of the University get Sputnik V vaccination.

USUE employees can book vaccination appointments at the Office for Social Work. They can also apply through the Portal of Government Services and by phone 112, informing the head of their structural unit about the date and place of vaccination.


USUE students can book vaccination appointments at the outpatient clinic where they are registered, by phone 122, by applying through the Portal of Government Services, or contact the student clinic at ul. Belinsky, 130. Besides, in Yekaterinburg, there are mobile vaccination sites, the list of which is presented on the website of the City Center for Medical Prevention. One can find the necessary information at in the "About Us - News" section. To register for vaccinations through the Office for Social Work, one can call 283-10-24 (ext . 2-24 ). It should be pointed out on the need to adhere to standard precautions: please wear a facemask, clean your hands with a sanitizer, keep a social distance, and avoid large crowds. 

In the Sverdlovsk region, there is a sharp increase in the incidence of new coronavirus infection.

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