War cannot be won by war

Ural State University of Economics, within the project "Heroes Among Us", hosted a meeting with Chief of the Electronic Warfare Service at the headquarters of the Central Military District, Major-General Sergei Portnykh.
At the meeting with students, Major-General Sergei Portnykh told about the goals and tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria.

In military terms, the Major General reported on the progress of the operation against ISIS terrorist organization (outlawed in Russia) on the territory of the Syrian Republic. The operations by the Russian Space Forces was preceded by careful preparation and planning. By that time, an illegitimate international coalition led by the United States was fighting against ISIS for a year. "The government of the country controlled no more than 10% of the territory. Yet another one or two months - and Syria would have ceased to exist as a state. The situation was critical," Sergei Portnykh explained the decision of the Russian government to support Syria.

In Syria, our service men faced a competent, well-trained opponent. The Major-General said that the gangs were well-organized and armed and lacked no ammunition or material and technical means. The militants had no mercy upon the civilian population, including women and children. Thanks to the operations of the Russian Airspace Forces and the professionalism of the Russian military men, the enemy suffered significant losses. Russian aviation carried out more than 1,500 operational sorties, destroying two thousand objects of terrorists, including more than 250 communication centers and 51 training camps.

As a result of the offensive by the Syrian government troops with the support of Russian aviation, the control over the strategic transport arteries was restored, the occupied cities militias passed under the control of the Syrian army.
Afterward, unique military operations have repeatedly allowed preventing the killing of civilians in areas of conflict. Sergei Portnykh stressed that the military advisors and the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides, whose work did not stop even for a minute, made a huge contribution to successful military operations in Syria. "Today, Syria is completely cleared of ISIS terrorists. A key role in defeating terrorists in Syria belongs to Russia," the Major General summed up.
Answering students’ questions, Sergey Portnykh confirmed that Russia possesses excellent electronic warfare facilities capable of blocking both land and air carriers. Today, the Russian air base, air defense, marines and several military units are still deployed in Syria.
At the end of the meeting, one of the participants asked, perhaps, the main question: "Can a military conflict be settled peacefully?" to which Sergei Vasilievich replied that "war cannot be won by war, it is always necessary to find a peaceful solution."

Ural State University of Economics, within the project "Heroes Among Us", hosted a meeting with Chief of the Electronic Warfare Service at the headquarters of the Central Military District, Major-General Sergei Portnykh. At the meeting with students, Major-General Sergei Portnykh told about the goals and tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria.

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