Come up with the best question for Economic Dictation - 2021!

The Free Economic Society of Russia has announced a youth competition for the best question for the All-Russian Economic Dictation - 2021, which will take place this year for the fifth time. The competition is held among high-school students of 9-11 grades and students of higher educational institutions.
The subject matter and format of the competition are as follows:
The competition is held in two categories of questions:
- Questions for students of 9-11 grades  of general secondary educational and secondary vocational education institutions;
- Questions for students of higher educational institutions and others. When sending a question to the competition, it is necessary to indicate which category it belongs to.
How many questions can be sent to the competition?
Only one question for each category is accepted for the competition from a participant.
Dates and deadlines of the competition:
Questions for the competition shall be accepted up to and including September 12. Winners will be announced on September 20.
Where and how shall one submit questions for the competition?
Questions for the competition shall be sent to the methodological commission of the Economic Dictation by e-mail: When submitting your questions, please write your full name, date of birth, place of study, city of residence, and contact information. Only in this case, your question will be admitted to the competition.

Be sure to read the previous test assignments of the action on the website of All-Russian Economic Dictation in the Tests tab at
The authors of the best questions for the Economic Dictation - 2021 will be awarded winner’s certificates and souvenirs.

The Free Economic Society of Russia has announced a youth competition for the best question for the All-Russian Economic Dictation - 2021, which will take place this year for the fifth time.

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