Today,    April 19, the Congress of High School Students held within the framework of IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum ended with a grandiose event - Volunteer Movement Festival "A Volunteer's Way is the Road of Goodness!". 

The volunteers came from the schools of different districts of Yekaterinburg. Besides, there were delegations from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
The chairman of the IX EEYF Organizing Committee, USUE Rector Yakov Silin greeted the participants and guests, "I'm glad to see everyone here today. This year is declared a year of volunteering. Let the volunteering remain with us, so that new generations would remember and multiply it. You are the future of the country. If we, as here today in our University, in other universities, or schools, even in different countries, meet, take part in competitions, hold joint events, and become acquainted with each other's culture, we would speak the same language - the language of goodness. IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum demonstrates this. This is the largest forum since the first days of its holding and I hope that the next forum will be no less interesting and useful. I invite you to participate in the following events held by the University. I thank all participants and their advisers, and our colleagues from other countries who came to the forum. I wish all your dreams come true. "

There were many guests of honor at the festival: Sergey Rogozhin, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Irina Martyanova, director of the Congress of High School Students , Yuliya Kasimova, head of the Department on Prevention and Combating Drug Addiction at the Administration of Yekaterinburg, Yuliya Amelkova, head of the Department for Work with Youth at the Administration of Yekaterinburg, Vladislav Ovchinnikov, director of the Resource Center of Volunteering "Sila Urala", and Alexander Golikov, vice-president of the USUE Alumni Association, director of Star Travel.

The activities of the volunteers are very wide: school students conduct various patriotic, thematic, sports, and cultural events, volunteer actions, help pensioners and children from kindergartens. In addition to demonstrating their goals and results of activities, the volunteer units of the city presented their creative numbers on stage: they danced, sang, and recited poems.

Irina Martyanova, director of the Congress of High School Students, noted that "2018 is the Year of Volunteer. Usually within the framework of the Congress of High School Students, we hold scientific events, intellectual games, and this year it was decided to hold the Festival of Volunteer Movement. Ural State University of Economics conducts two major actions of the volunteer movement: Letter to Mom and Victory Waltz, which became national-wide. Not only Yekaterinburg, but also other cities and even other countries support the actions carried out by the University. Of course, we will continue to support the volunteer movement. "
After the presentation, the volunteers joined 8 master classes, which were conducted by Ural State University of Economics.
Master classes were very interesting and diverse: volunteers learned how to rally a team and become successful, how to dream and reach the goal, how to cope with conflicts in the team. In addition, during 40 minutes, the students learned the basic words of Chinese and English and the history of Yekaterinburg, became acquainted with the cuisines of the peoples of the world, as well as with the large actions "Letter to Mom" and "Victory Waltz ". At the last master class, students were taught the basic movements of the waltz.

"Today, at master classes, schoolers became acquainted with the faculty of the University and saw the life of the University from within. The main goal of this event is to once again show the youth what the University is like, to demonstrate our scientific potential, extracurricular work, cultural activities, so that these young people will later enter USUE .
They are the future of the country. Children can become directors, economists, artists, someone, perhaps, will become a Nobel laureate, and someone - a President. Nothing is unthinkable. I am sure that today they should be friends, communicate, and study each other's culture, because they will continue to build friendly relations between themselves and between countries. This is the most important thing," Irina Martyanova said.

Today, April 19, the Congress of High School Students held within the framework of IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum ended with a grandiose event - Volunteer Movement Festival "A Volunteer's Way is the Road of Goodness!".

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