USUE volunteers came to the aid of refugees

A joint group of the USUE Association of student unions arrived at the Humanitarian Aid Reception Centre for evacuees from Donbass.

People and organizations in the Sverdlovsk region send food and essentials to the Centre to help refugees who have been welcomed by the Rostov region.

Yekaterinburg students and volunteers are involved in the functioning of the Center. Students at Ural State University of Economics could not afford to step back and took part in the action, too.

The students sorted and checked the expiry date of the products and the integrity of things and equipment to put into the shipping boxes. All boxes were then moved to a temporary storage warehouse, from where humanitarian aid will be sent to the addressees.

The most important thing a person can do is to help other people. Our students showed their best and, having worked all day at the Centre, expressed their willingness to take part more in such events.

A joint group of the USUE Association of student unions arrived at the Humanitarian Aid Reception Centre for evacuees from Donbass.

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