Dissertation ahead

A ceremony was held at USUE to present diplomas to graduates of the postgraduate course of correspondence education who successfully passed the final state certification.

Ksenia Denezhkina, Larisa Dianova and Svetlana Lavshchenko received diplomas with the qualification “Researcher. Teacher-researcher" in the field of study "Economics". This will allow them to build a scientific career at any university for which economic issues are relevant. Elena Kadritskaya received a postgraduate diploma in the field of training “Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology”.

The diplomas were presented to the graduates by USUE Vice-Rector for Research Viktor Kovalev. He emphasized that the success of each graduate student is the result of the work and patience of his supervisor, and wished everyone to successfully complete their work on their candidate dissertations and defend them with dignity. Thus, the work of Elena Kadritskaya, carried out under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Marina Shkolnikova, has already been submitted for defense to the USUE dissertation council in technical sciences.

The USUE scientific team wishes the graduates not to stop there and achieve outstanding success.

USUE graduate students received diplomas of education

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