USUE has won the tender for the All-Russia sports Olympiad among foreign students of Russian universities

May 3, 2018 the conference hall of the DIVS (Palace of Team Sports) will host a press conference dedicated to the opening of the All-Russia Olympiad among foreign students of Russian universities.

The press conference will be attended by:

  • Yakov Silin USUE Rector
  • Yaw Adu Nikez, President of the Association of International Students in Russia
  • Vladimir Vlasov, deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • Yuri Zelenov, Deputy Minister of General and  Professional Education of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • Leonid Rapoport, Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • Olga Kotlyarova, bronze prize-winner of the Olympiad in Sydney (2000),
  • Sergei Karyakin, the winner of the Dakar-2017 rally
  • Anna Milenina, seven-time Paralympics’ champion (biathlon, cross-country skiing)
  • Mikhalina Lysova, six-time Paralympics’ champion (biathlon, cross-country skiing)
  • Serge Dalo Peguy (Côte d'Ivoire), a USUE student, participant of the Olympiad


You can find detail information and accreditation at:

Elena Maryina

Ph. +7 902 261-76-14,  

Email: ,

The event will be held from 2 to 5 May at two venues - at DIVS and USUE. More than 400 athletes from 65 countries will compete in eight kinds of sports: mini-football, volleyball, rock-climbing, streetball, table tennis, shooting, chess, and checkers. For three days, sports drive and will to win will bring together teams of international students from 50 Russian universities. More than half of the athletes are representatives of African countries.

On May 3, at DIVS, the solemn opening ceremony of the Olympiad will take place. By tradition, the event will be opened by the parade of participating countries; the national anthem of the host country and international student anthem Gaudeamus will be performed. Football match Africa-Russia will crown this colorful ceremony.

USUE was awarded the right to hold an Olympiad on the decision of the Executive Committee of the Association of International Students of Russia. The event is supported by Rosmolodezh (the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs).



May 3, 2018 the conference hall of the DIVS (Palace of Team Sports) will host a press conference dedicated to the opening of the All-Russia Olympiad among foreign students of Russian universities.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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