“Everything starts with trust and intellectual exchange”

Baron Ernestus Oswald von Renteln (Federal Republic of Germany) was a special guest at the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. He is a representative of the Science and Education Working Group of the St. Petersburg Dialogue Forum of Russian and German Civil Societies.

Mr. Oswald, is this your first time on the forum?

-   Yes, it is my first time. The German side, studying potential contacts with leading universities in Russia, found information about the forum, which is annually held at USUE. It impressed us. It was decided to take part in the forum that has approved itself and has gained good reputation.  

What is your impression of the event? Is there anything that attracted your special attention?

-   For me, this is a very big and important event that will leave only the best impressions. I would like to mention that USUE rector Yakov Silin, managed to combine intellectual and spiritual components at the forum. It is important because the foundation and the basis of contacts between people is human behavior. Each of us sitting at the round table was given an opportunity to promote our ideas and to feel free to talk about them.

In your opinion, how sensitive is the topic of the forum for today?     

-   The topic is very important. The trust reigns on the forum. It is very important. We felt this atmosphere from the first minutes of being here. I have the opportunity to share something with others. All forum participants are enjoying trustful communication.

Baron Ernestus Oswald von Renteln (Federal Republic of Germany) was a special guest at the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. He is a representative of the Science and Education Working Group of the St. Petersburg Dialogue Forum of Russian and German Civil Societies.

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