All-Russian Student Olympiad in Glavbukh Accounting Reference System was held at USUE

For the third year, Ural State University of Economics hosts the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the “Glavbukh” accounting reference system. Today the fourth-year students of BUA-14 group checked their knowledge of accounting and taxation in the first round of the Olympiad.

The task of the participants is to give the maximum number of correct answers in the minimum time. According to the senior lecturer of the Department of Accounting and Auditing Violeta Matveeva, students have to answer questions that are difficult even for a practicing accountant. Based on these tests, the compliance with qualification requirements of practicing accountants is checked. The questions include a lot of references to the innovations of the next year.

The chair of the Department of Accounting and Auditing Nadezhda Necheukhina addressed the students, "We are holding the Olympiad not for the first time. This is important for you: the “Glavbukh” system will accompany you throughout your life. It helps to keep records, track changes, and is an important tool in the work of both an ordinary accountant and a financial director. I wish you to pass to the next level of the Olympiad. "

The event was held under the direct supervision of a representative of "Glavbukh" Action system Marina Filonova. She told about the rules and prizes to the participants of the Olympiad.

According to the results of the first round, the top three students will be qualified and they will represent the University at the second stage. The winner of the All-Russian Olympiad will receive a personal scholarship.

For the third year, Ural State University of Economics hosts the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the “Glavbukh” accounting reference system. Today the fourth-year students of BUA-14 group checked their knowledge of accounting and taxation in the first round of the Olympiad.

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