Elections will be fair!

Today, an agreement was signed on the interaction between the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk region and the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg during the elections of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region and the elections of local governments of municipalities in the Sverdlovsk region in 2022.

Chairperson of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk region, Alexander Levin, and chairperson of the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg, USUE Rector Yakov Silin, signed an agreement on interaction between the parties.

There are significant events ahead: the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, and, in 55 municipalities, there will be elections of local governments for the next five-year period. The task is to ensure the legitimacy of voting.

“In this difficult international situation, Russia needs to consolidate the entire society - in small municipalities, in large cities, in powerful industrial regions, and in the whole country. In order to ensure the legitimacy of the election and their accessibility for everyone who wants to go to the polls, public observation is being organized,” Yakov Silin, chairperson of the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg, said.

The parties intend to promptly exchange information on the observance of the electoral rights of citizens during elections. In addition, they are going to hold joint events related to the preparation and conduct of elections.

The Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk region will train elections observers and help carry out activities to improve the legal culture of voting participants. In its turn, the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg will propose candidates for observers and will promptly inform about planned events of mutual interest.

Фотографии пресс-службы Общественной палаты Свердловской области

Two Public Chambers - of the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg - have signed an agreement on interaction.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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