Russian Presidential Elections

From March 15 to March 17, 2024, elections for the President of Russia will be held. In the Sverdlovsk region alone, 2,486 polling stations will open this Friday.

Rector of the Ural State University of Economis Yakov Silin is confident that we cannot remain indifferent: Russians will not only have to choose the head of state, but also the path along which the country will develop.

“Dear colleagues, fellow countrymen! I am writing to you with a very important and significant question. Soon there will be elections for the head of our state, the President of the Russian Federation.

We cannot stand aside, we cannot be indifferent. We have a duty as citizens to come and express our will. I invite everyone associated with USUE: both veterans and students. Take the time to come and vote.

This year's presidential elections are of particular importance. We are at a turning point in history: not only are all world economic ties and technological structures changing, global changes are taking place in relations between countries, and the entire world political map is being redrawn. And during this period, whoever heads the state, who will lead Russia, will largely determine its role in history for many decades, and perhaps centuries.

Russia once again declared and showed to the whole world that we are a great power, a great people, a single united nation.

Let me emphasize once again that it is especially important who leads Russia. Today, the so-called collective West has declared war on us. We need to be together. And the head of the state must be a national leader. Someone who has a good idea of what Russia is and what awaits us ahead. I invite you to the elections. Take the time to come and vote!”

There are 3,296,317 voters in the Sverdlovsk region. This year, residents of the Middle Urals have the opportunity not only to vote traditionally, at polling stations, but also remotely, via the Internet. The Sverdlovsk region has become one of 29 regions of Russia whose residents have access to this form of expression of will. Applications were accepted on the State Services portal until March 11 inclusive. According to the latest data published on the official website of the Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region, 232,280 people took advantage of the opportunity to vote online, which is 7.02% of voters in the region.

Polling stations in the Sverdlovsk region on election days will be open from 8.00 to 20.00. For questions regarding the preparation and progress of the presidential elections in Russia, you can contact the hotline of the Public Observation Center at 8 (800) 101-96-24 on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00.

Why is it so important right now not to remain indifferent?

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