Graduate Party - 2017

September 21, Ural State University of Economics held a unique event dedicated to the anniversary of the University and the day of HR-Manager - "Graduate Party - 2017". The graduates of previous years, students, teachers and members of the USUE Alumni Association attended the meeting.

The event was organized by the USUE Office of Interaction with Employers and HR Development.

Elena Ovsyannikova, head of the office, told about the meeting, "We are conducting such an event for the first time. In general, today's meeting is aimed at finding employment for our last year graduates. According to our data, some students could not immediately find a job. In summer, they rest and begin to look for work around September. We would like to help them, so today we invited employers. The main condition for participation for them was the availability of vacancies and the willingness to interview and recruit people. We hope that our graduates will find here opportunities for career growth. As this is also a chance to meet fellow students, there are also informal zones of communication, musical breaks, and events arranged by the Alumni Association."

"Graduate Party - 2017" brought together more than 20 employers, including - Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, the Main Branch of the Bank of Russia, VTB Bank, SKB-Bank, Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Philip Morris International,, HeadHanter, City Employment Center, Coca-cola, Pizza Mia, Trading House "Sima-Land", and others. You can find the vacancies of these companies on the website of the Office of Interaction with Employers and HR Development.

Employers told that they are ready to hire bright-eyed and bushy-tailed people, ready to work and study. Many of them noted that USUE perfectly trains economic specialists.

A large module of "Graduate Party - 2017" was devoted to trainings and master classes offered by the USUE Alumni Association. The president of the USUE  Alumni Association, the head of a standalone division at Yekaterinburg "Russian Export Hub" Andrei Kazantsev held a training on "Time Management", vice-president of the USUE Alumni Association, director of training company "Istochnik" Dmitriy Korotkikh talked about leadership at the training "How to Overcome an Internal Barrier that Hampers Career Growth. How to Be a Leader,”  vice-president of the USUE Alumni Association, director of the company StarTravel Alexander Golikov held a conversation "English Language and Improvement of Career Opportunities,” vice-president of the USUE Alumni Association, president of the "Yekaterinburg Commodity Managers Association” Olga Vaskova unveiled "Secrets of Trade for All Occasions", the head of the HeadHunter press service  Olga Gibadullina talked about the right approach to career building at the training "How to Find a Dream Job," HR manager of Human Resources Executive Central Russia Philip Morris International Alexey Baranov told by "How to Build a Career in an International Company," and business coach of Sberbank Anastasia Kotel conducted a training on scribing.

The number of useful activities also included a self-test for career and personal development offered by the Public Employment Service of the Sverdlovsk region.

September 21, Ural State University of Economics held a unique event dedicated to the anniversary of the University and the day of HR-Manager - "Graduate Party - 2017". The graduates of previous years, students, teachers and members of the USUE Alumni Association attended the meeting.

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