Graduates were congratulated by the USUE core institute

The Institute of Economics of Ural State University of Economics held a ceremony for graduates-2021. At the House of Culture of the University, the students were awarded Bachelor Diplomas.

Professor Dmitry Karkh, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods, and Quality of Training, wished the heroes of the day a good trip to their professional life.

Professor Elena Knyazeva, Vice-rector for Extended Education and Career Guidance, wished the graduates Godspeed, health, success, and good luck.

Professor Alla Matveeva, Director of the Institute of Master’s Courses, speaking from the stage, told the bachelors majoring in Economics about the advantages of the 7th level of education and invited them to complete a Masters. And maybe some of them will do just that!

Bachelor Diplomas and USUE alumni badges were presented by the Director of the Institute of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Valery Dubrovsky.

“Your diplomas and badges testify that you are a part of a large organization called Ural State University of Economics,” said Valery Dubrovsky. “I wish you always remember this. Please do not allow yourself or others to devalue your education, and remember that your achievements and successes are an assessment of the work of a large team of teachers who have been working with you all these four years, and who wish you all the best, success, luck, and all happiness!"

The Institute of Economics of Ural State University of Economics held a ceremony for graduates-2021. At the House of Culture of the University, the students were awarded Bachelor Diplomas.

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