Graduation of foreign students

The ceremony of awarding certificates to the students of the preparatory faculty for foreigners was held at Ural State University of Economics.

During the year, students from different countries studied the Russian language and followed special disciplines. Lectures were delivered by the teachers of the Department of International Business. Besides, foreign students actively participated in public life of the University, got acquainted with the culture of Yekaterinburg and the country, visited museums, and met with Heroes of Russia.

Acting Rector Vladimir Kuligin congratulated the graduates on the successful completion of the course and expressed hope that in their home countries they will not only tell about Russia and Yekaterinburg but also invite their friends and acquaintances to study at USUE.

Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov joined the congratulations and said, "We were trying to ensure your study to be the most comfortable and useful." He thanked the students and teachers for their great work. 

All foreign students were awarded certificates on finishing their studies at the preparatory faculty. The Preparatory faculty head Alena Soboleva thanked all the students for their diligence and responsible attitude to study.

The students replied with words of thanks and creative numbers: they read the poem " Don't cover Russia with your mind… " by F. Tyutchev and sang songs.

Teachers and employees were given letters of appreciation for personal participation and contributions to the preparatory faculty.

USUE pays much attention to the development of the international aspects of work. Today, students from 32 countries of the world study at the University, and each year their number grows. For now, USUE has concluded 109 agreements on international cooperation with foreign institutions. Inter-university agreements have been signed and are being implemented with educational institutions of 29 countries, including universities of Germany, France, Britain, China, and South Korea.

The ceremony of awarding certificates to the students of the preparatory faculty for foreigners was held at Ural State University of Economics.

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