VIP guests of IX EEYF were received at the Governors residence

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Russia Haidar Mansour Hadi, Consul of Peru in Russia Fernando Tapia Fernández-Baca, High Commissioner of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization Aniset Gabriel Kochofa, and president of the Association of International Students in Russia Yaw Adu Nikez .

Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of Sverdlovsk Oblast Vasily Kozlov, deputy head for organizing significant national and international events at the Administration of Yekaterinburg Sergey Tushin, and representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Yekaterinburg Ramil Shamsutdinov told foreign guests about the unique geographical position and potential of Sverdlovsk Oblast.

A special emphasis was placed on the presentation of large-scale landmark events, which Yekaterinburg will receive in the near future. In June, it will host the first matches of the largest football tournament of the planet among the national teams - the World Cup. The city fulfilled its commitments to World Cup 2018 by 95 percent, among which a special place belongs to the reconstruction and construction of tourist and sports infrastructure. Not so long ago, members of the FIFA inspection commission made a conclusion about the readiness of the main sports facility for the World Cup - the Yekaterinburg Arena stadium.

The host country assured foreign guests that the sporting event will be an unforgettable holiday of football for all fans and invited them to the championship.
The diplomats were also invited to visit the international industrial fair INNOPROM to be held in Yekaterinburg from 9 to 12 July, which received the federal status of the main industrial, commercial and export site in Russia. At the same time, another important event will be organized - V Russian-Chinese EXPO. To participate in it, the organizing committee received more than 2 000 applications from Chinese companies.

In addition, Minister Vasily Kozlov told the guests about another global project, the active work of the city authorities to compete for the right to hold the World Universal Exhibition EXPO-2025. He noted that in May, the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast is going to a working trip to the countries of northern Africa in order to represent Yekaterinburg as a candidate city for EXPO-2025.
"Yekaterinburg as a potential venue for the World Exhibition was chosen for good reason. Our city is one of the most dynamically developing economic, scientific, educational, transport, logistic, and cultural centers of the country. Experience in holding major international events will help host EXPO at the highest level. I hope that the citizens of your countries will support Yekaterinburg's application for EXPO-2025 exhibition," Vasily Kozlov said.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the parties discussed the integration of higher education in Russia into the world educational space, the quality of Russian education, and socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students to the learning environment in Russian universities.

In the residence of the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast, an official reception of VIP guests of IX EEYF took place. The meeting was attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Madagascar to Russia Eloi Alfonse Maxim Duvu , Iraq's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Russia Haidar Mansour Hadi, Consul of Peru in Russia Fernando Tapia Fern?ndez-Baca, High Commissioner of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization Aniset Gabriel Kochofa, and president of the Association of International Students in Russia Yaw Adu Nikez .

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