USUE is preparing for the 11th Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and Regions of the World: The Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities," which will be held on April 20-23, 2021. The organizers are actively interacting with partners for upcoming contests of research projects for participants from all over the world. 
In 2021, as before, there will be five congresses for participants: Congresses of Economists, Innovators, Financiers, Service Technologies, and High School Students. A novelty of the 11th EEFM is the Congress of Strategists offered by the Institute of Continuous and Distance Education. 

In addition to traditional contests, within the framework of the Congresses, new competition events will be held, which co-organizers will be major international partner universities, as well as the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

Thus, as part of the Congress of Economists, jointly with Osh Technological University (Kyrgyz Republic), an international competition Problems of Food Security through the Eyes of Youth will be organized. 

In cooperation with Baranovichi State University (Republic of Belarus), the Congress of Innovators is organizing an international competition of innovative projects Innovative Business Hackathon. 

The Congress of Strategists and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Republic of Uzbekistan) will hold an international competition Development of Cooperation between the Regions of Russia and Uzbekistan.  

Representatives of the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Republic of Kazakhstan) will deliver public lectures and masterclasses following the Forum topic. 

The Congress of Service Technologies invites participants to prepare research projects on the topic related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Participants can submit their papers in the contests: Logistics of Goods Circulation: Challenges of the Coronacrisis, Quality of the Future: a New Reality of Sustainable Development in the Face of Coronavirus Challenges, as well as take part in the international essay competition in English:  All Are Equal in the Face of a Pandemic. Healthcare Equity Issues at the International and National Levels.  

The Congress of Financiers will bring together the authors of new international projects Digital Discovery and Debut Perspective, and hold a master class Russian and Supranational Mechanisms for the Protection of Economic Rights.

The Congress of High School Students will traditionally host the international competition of research works and projects Debut in Science, as well as an international brain game "Intellect of Eurasia."

USUE is preparing for the 11th Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and Regions of the World: The Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities," which will be held on April 20-23, 2021. The organizers are actively interacting with partners for upcoming contests of research projects for participants from all over the world.

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