XI EEYF — the biggest youth event of the year

The  forum participants will be addressed through video by  Sergey Bodrunov, Doctor of Economics,  President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, a RAS expert, director of the S. Witte Institute of New Industrial Development, doctor honoris causa of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, USUE professor emeritus, and Anatoly Karpov,  a deputy of the Sixth and Seventh RF State Duma for the United Russia faction, deputy chairman of the international affairs committee, world chess champion.     

The online broadcast from the USUE House of Culture can be viewed at University classrooms 152, 156, and 258, as well as on the YouTube channel:


The scientists and representatives of major universities will raise global issues, discuss models and formulas for world order development, international cooperation, and training of specialists in economics, share their vision of realities and prospects for the development of investment competences in the field of intelligent technologies and the economy of the 21st century.  


The forum participants will be addressed through video by Sergey Bodrunov, Doctor of Economics, President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, a RAS expert, director of the S. Witte Institute of New Industrial Development, doctor honoris causa of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, USUE professor emeritus, and Anatoly Karpov, a deputy of the Sixth and Seventh RF State Duma for the United Russia faction, deputy chairman of the international affairs committee, world chess champion.

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