I would like to do something for USUE: a student from C?te dIvoire presented his collection of poems

Konan Kouakou arrived in Yekaterinburg last year. And in this already presented to the audience a collection of poems about God, Russia, the Urals, the beloved University and the Association of International Students.

A student from Côte d'Ivoire discovered his love for poetry visiting the literary salons held by the USUE Association of International Students. Inspired by the works of Alexander Pushkin, the young man tried to write himself. Creativity sucked Conan so much that last academic year, he wrote 55 poems. Patriotic and love lyrics are the student's favorite topics.

"I am writing verses when I'm free from classes. It may be early morning, afternoon, or late evening. Inspiration comes to me in French, and then I translate everything into Russian. I started writing poetry when I realized that USUE is doing very much for me and I would like to do something for USUE," Konan Kouakou says .

When the accumulated a lot of poems, Konan together with his friends from the Association of International Students  Roziya  Ismatova and Indiana Katherine published their works in a separate book of poems.

At the official presentation, the authors were congratulated by the USUE  Rector  Yakov Silin, "This is a very unique and interesting lyric poetry. They cannot be left out so easily. We will introduce you to our Ural branch of the Writers' Union, with experienced and well-known professionals, so that you will communicate with them as authors. If someone writes more, feel free! We are ready to publish you."

The authors of the book read their favorite poems to the audience. Glossy books from today's presentation will fly to Cote d'Ivoire, Tajikistan and Equatorial Guinea - the homelands of the poets. The remaining copies will be kept at the AIS headquarters and at the USUE library.

Konan Kouakou arrived in Yekaterinburg last year. And in this already presented to the audience a collection of poems about God, Russia, the Urals, the beloved University and the Association of International Students.

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