“I’m writing to you, mom,”

Over 300 USUE students and teachers took part in “A Letter to Mom” action dedicated to Mother’s Day. Letters of sincere congratulations scattered to different cities and countries.

For two days, November 16 and 17, everyone could receive a free postcard with the symbol of Mother’s Day and send a touching, tender congratulation to his/her mother anywhere in the world. As a result, letters were sent by over 300 people. The geography of the action turned out to be incredibly extensive - congratulations scattered all over the world from Yekaterinburg to Sri Lanka.

The participants enthusiastically accepted the opportunity to send a message to their closest and dearest people living far from them. Many of them did not limit themselves to traditional holiday greetings and drew pictures and made poems.

Elizaveta Sokolova, a USUE first-year master’s student majoring in Applied Informatics: “Today I have sent letters to my mother in the Moscow region and my grandmother in Donetsk. I spent a lot of time in my childhood with my granny, she is also like mother to me, and I hope the letter will come through. This action is a good idea. These letters were fun to write. I believe they will be in time for the holiday to warm and paint the November day.”

Arjun Dharmaraja, USUE Preparatory Faculty: “I wrote a letter to my mother in Sri Lanka. On the card, I wrote a poem that I made myself. I haven’t seen my mother for three months, so I’m glad to send congratulations.”


Volunteers took part in the action, distributing holiday cards to students and teachers and helping to fill in postal envelopes correctly. Natalya Snegireva said that she had been a volunteer at this event for many years and was happy to send letters to her mother too.

​ The university has held “A Letter to Mom” action together with Eurasia international center since 2011. In 2018, it became one of the winners of the regional stage of “Volunteer of Russia – 2018”national competition. Besides, more than once the action has received support from city authorities: last year the project won a grant from the Youth Policy Committee of Yekaterinburg Administration, taking first place in the Bank of Youth Initiatives competition. 

Over 300 USUE students and teachers took part in “A Letter to Mom” action dedicated to Mother’s Day. Letters of sincere congratulations scattered to different cities and countries.

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