I always had a dream to visit your University: USUE met with Yuri Ponomarev

Today, students and teachers of Ural State University of Economics met with Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, State Councilor of Justice of the 1st class Yuri Ponomarev. The hosts of the meeting were USUE Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov and Vice-Rector for Property Management Vladimir Kuligin.

Yakov Silin introduced the guest and highlighted the importance of the meeting, "We are one of the best universities and we want to meet people of such a high level."

"I always had a dream to visit your university, become acquainted with faculty members, with students, and now I feel lucky. Activities of an economist, a man working with financial documents, are close to me in its legal component, " Deputy Prosecutor  General began his speech. He told the student about his career, his student years,  and about  main activities of the prosecutor's office: "One  law for all! We are trying to ensure the law to be objective. "

The guest of the University at the meeting paid much attention to answer to students’ and teachers’ questions. Yuri Ponomarev was pleasantly surprised that students from 35 countries study at USUE and advised the students not to miss an opportunity of live communication with foreigners. Among other questions, the audience was interested in cooperation with Interpol, the possibility to undertake an internship at the Prosecutor's Office for foreign students, search and punishment for drifters, participation of the prosecutor's office in the investigation activities, control of cryptocurrency, service in the army, and how extracurricular activities when being a student helped Yuri Ponomarev in his career.

"I wish you to finish your university well, without any incidents, acquire the profession you dream about, and let everything in your life turned out as you wish. I wish you the most important things - health and success. I wish teachers to have good students and students to have good teachers Students - good teachers. And let this interaction always give good knowledge and results," Yuri Ponomarev concluded the meeting.

Today, students and teachers of Ural State University of Economics met with Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, State Councilor of Justice of the 1st class Yuri Ponomarev. The hosts of the meeting were USUE Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov and Vice-Rector for Property Management Vladimir Kuligin.

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