Yakov Silin: Without economists, financiers, accountants, and managers it is impossible to ensure high-quality uninterrupted operation of a Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund”

Ural State University of Economics signed an agreement with the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Sverdlovsk region (TCMIF). It was signed by the USUE Rector Yakov Silin and director of the Fund Valery Shelyakin.

According to the agreement, the parties agreed to establish long-term partnership relations and implement joint activities. Thus, the University and the Fund intend to develop and implement programs on topical issues of scientific and educational provision of training and retraining of high-skilled personnel.

"We have prepared a joint proposal for advanced professional training, training, and retraining of the Fund's employees. Already today, USUE can be productively work in the field of advanced professional training in relation to the changing standards. We can meet the demand for highly qualified specialists. TCMIF is a serious financial organization that largely supports the healthcare system of the Sverdlovsk region. Without economists, financiers, accountants, and managers it is impossible to ensure high-quality uninterrupted operation of a Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund," the USUE Rector Yakov Silin said.

In addition, the parties intend to implement the tasks assigned to public health in the Russian Federation Development Strategy for the period until 2020.

Valery Shelyakin focused on the fact that one-third of the Fund's staff are USUE graduates. "The profile of our organization is finance; therefore, a part of the team consists of economists and financiers, including USUE graduates. From time to time, we cooperate with the University in selective matters but now we will be able to train our staff and improve their skills, and we will be happy to see our colleagues from the University at our place," the director added.

Apart from that, the Fund will assign curators and practitioners for determining the term and graduation papers of USUE students. For its part, USUE is ready to carry out vocational guidance for the Fund’s employees with a view to training everyone interested at the University bachelor’s and master’s courses, and at the postgraduate school.

Ural State University of Economics signed an agreement with the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Sverdlovsk region (TCMIF). It was signed by the USUE Rector Yakov Silin and director of the Fund Valery Shelyakin.

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