Yakov Silin gave an interview to Oblastnaya Gazeta

The academic year is breaking into the life of the matriculated students of USUE. The first meetings of freshers with their Institutes took place in the University. These students have already chosen their future profession and purposefully follow their dream. However, the beginning of the academic year is important not only for them. This time is especially important for future school leavers.

That is why Oblastanya Gazeta launched a project for young people "SuperNew Era." On the pages of the youth insert, you can find information about professions in demand, new specialties, and the best universities in the region.

The first talk partner for young journalists was the USUE Rector Yakov Silin. The head of the University told why intramural studies are better than extramural, how employers should not go wrong with university graduates, and how a student could receive a scholarship of 20 thousand rubles. This and many other things you can find on the pages of Oblastanya Gazeta in the youth insert "SuperNew Era" on September 1.

The academic year is breaking into the life of the matriculated students of USUE. The first meetings of freshers with their Institutes took place in the University. These students have already chosen their future profession and purposefully follow their dream. However, the beginning of the academic year is important not only for them. This time is especially important for future school leavers.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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