Yakov Silin awarded the best staff members and students

February 19, the Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin presented diplomas and certificates of honor to staff members who distinguished themselves in the XVII All-Russia Olympiad in National Economy Development, as well as the USUE badges of honor for long-term impeccable work and significant contribution to the development of the University.

Following the results of the XVII All-Russia Olympiad in National Economy Development organized by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers of the Russian Federation

  • Diploma in the category “Best Regional Organizer of Students’ Scientific Research" was awarded to Elena Dvoryadkina, Vice-Rector for Research.
  • Diploma in the category "Best Student Scientific Society of the Russian Universities" was awarded to Anastasia Smirnova, deputy head of the student scientific society, a student of PB-14 group.

Associate Professor at the Department of State and Municipal Finance Tatiana Odinokova was awarded the Certificate of Honor granted by the Head of Leninsky district Administration of Yekaterinburg Dmitry Nozhenko for many years of conscientious work, professionalism, and significant contribution to the training of high-skilled specialists.

USUE badges of honor for long-term impeccable work at USUE and significant contribution to the development of the University were awarded to

  • Valentin Kamyshov, professor, Department of Physics and Chemistry
  • Elena Korsakova, associate  professor, Department of Political Economy
  • Tatyana Korteva, associate professor, Department of Business Informatics
  • Irina Kurbatova, associate  professor, Department of Political Economy

Our congratulations on high professional achievements!


February 19, the Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin presented diplomas and certificates of honor to staff members who distinguished themselves in the XVII All-Russia Olympiad in National Economy Development, as well as the USUE badges of honor for long-term impeccable work and significant contribution to the development of the University.

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