Яков Силин: «Объединяя усилия, мы становимся сильнее»

 USUE, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ural State Educational Center "Golden Section", and the Department for Youth Policy of Sverdlovsk Region signed a trilateral agreement on networking for the establishment of a Mentoring Laboratory.

The Mentoring Laboratory is a scientific and practical platform, where regional enterprises can work with talented children. "Mentoring is not a detail; it's a kind of process. It must begin with something. We need to see those who are predisposed, who are ambitious, and who are able to give certain clear instructions. We are for helping to take place in life, in a variety of spheres," Yakov Silin, USUE Rector, says.

 The press conference discussed the mentoring strategies related to the industry practices and tasks of enterprise development, as well as methods of cooperation in training mentors. According to the speakers, at the start, the project will begin with the training of mentors from enterprises to implement educational programs "Golden Section". In the future, it is planned to train mentors for general education schools and CAS activities.

  "The mentoring movement is becoming very important because working with children who have great intellectual and creative potential requires a special approach. Therefore, future mentors need to be trained taking into account the characteristics of gifted children and the specifics of the regional development, the development of education in general, and modern trends," Elena Korotkova, director of the Fund for Support of Talented Children and Youth at the Ural Educational Center "Golden Section",  says.  

 The work on training mentors will be built in the near future. By early April, the Laboratory plans to form a pool of specialists of industrial enterprises with whom they will begin to implement the educational program.           

USUE, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ural State Educational Center "Golden Section", and the Department for Youth Policy of Sverdlovsk Region signed a trilateral agreement on networking for the establishment of a Mentoring Laboratory.

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Просмотров: 2018