A live broadcast of the plenary session of the MAEF - 2019 has started at the USUE. The session's platform has become the Grand Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

Forum Organizers: Free Economic Society of Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences, International Union of Economists. 
USUE Rector Yakov Silin has attended the first forum's meeting called “The economy that corresponds to modern challenges: academic discussions”. 

The purpose of the Forum is to build an international scientific expert discussion on the definition of key directions for the development of the economic theory and practice. The MAEF co-chairs are the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. sciences, professor Alexander Sergeev; President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the Institute of New Industrial Development named after S.Tu. Witte, Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor Sergey Bodrunov.

The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeyev addressed the guests and participants of the forum with a welcoming speech. The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences stressed that new challenges are emerging in economic development processes that require strategic forecasting for the implementation of national projects, as well as planning for decades to come. Alexander Sergeev noted that human capital is becoming an important link, which needs to be formed through the education system focused on science and embedded in the development mechanism of not only science, but also economics.

The President of the VEO of Russia, Sergey Bodrunov, delivered a plenary report on the topic "Answers to the challenges of the technological revolution." The report focused on the role of science in the economic process. Effective development of the economy and economic parameters, both global and national, depends on the effectiveness of the development of science and technology. In this regard, Sergey Dmitrievich stressed the importance of such a criterion as the cooperation of academic and economic institutions and organizations. The Free Economic Society attaches particular importance to this area of ??activity.

MAEF is held at 28 regional platforms in different regions of the Russian Federation. More than 2000 scientists from Russia and 24 countries of the world participate in the forum. One of the first foreign experts who spoke at the plenary meeting was the 2014 Nobel Prize winner in economics, Professor Jean Tyrol.

According to the official website of the VEO of Russia, the key tasks of the MAEF are as following:

- formation of new methodological and theoretical directions of economic and interdisciplinary research studies that allow to respond to the challenges of technological and humanitarian transformations and form a new space of scientific activity;

- formation of a paradigm that lays the scientific foundation for the long-term economic development of Russia;

- increase of the role of Russia in the space of world economic science.

- strengthening the role of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian public institutions, applying their potential in solving the problems of “scientific diplomacy”, strengthening international relations of Russian economists and Russian economic research centers with foreign colleagues, promoting ideas and ideas of Russian economic schools and the interests of the country, in general in the space of the international economic community.

Among the speakers and experts of the Forum: Vice-President of VEO of Russia, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. sciences, professor Sergey Glazyev; Vice-President of the VEO of Russia, Scientific Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Econ. Sci., Professor Ruslan Grinberg, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for Social Policy Matters Tatyana Golikova, Member of the Presidium of the VEO of Russia, Director of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Philos. Sciences Mikhail Gorshkov; Member of the Board of VEO of Russia, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Econ. Sciences, Cand. tech. Sciences Vladimir Ivanov.

At the plenary session, the floor was given to Sergey Glaziev, Vice-President of the Free Economic Society of Russia and an advisor to the President of the Russian Federation. He presented a report "Methodology of advanced economic growth: how to achieve the goal of breakthrough in economic development set by the Russian President."

Besides, one of the speakers at the plenary session was RAS academician Abel Aganbegyan, head of the RANEPA Department of Economic Theory and Policy.

Issues discussed at the MAEF plenary sessions are important for all the Russian regions. The Urals, as a region of a state-forming nature, needs a new economic agenda, including the interaction of economic science, production and education in the context of estabkishing the newest trajectories of economic development. That is why Ural State University of Economics, being one of the leading economic universities of the Ural - Siberian macro-region, acted as a discussion platform for the abovementioned mentioned issues.

An online inclusion from the main event of the IEF “Perspectives of Socio-Economic Development and the Role of Science: Academic Discourse” took place in the USUE.

The purpose of the forum in the Urals is to create a scientific intellectual platform designed to shape the paradigm of modern economics, as well as a paradigm that lays the scientific foundation of Russia's long-term economic development. The participants and the target audience of the event were representatives of the real sector of the economy, heads of enterprises and organizations of the region, representatives of science and educational institutions of the region.

During the broadcast in the USUE students-participants of the forum were surveyed, the purpose of which was to identify how young people understand economic problems and what vectors of development of the Russian economy should be developed. There were 7 questions in the test, special attention was paid to the technological revolution: its influence on the development of the economy.

As part of the Moscow Academic Economic Forum, on Thursday, May 16, the USUE will host a conference on the theme “Strategic Vectors of Ural Development: Science, Education, Production”. The speakers will be the leading representatives of science, government and business.

“Our task as scientists is to determine the ways for Russia to enter the sustainable development trajectory. We need to show what opportunities our region has so that we can make our scientific, production and social contribution to the development of the country. I believe that the Urals is a state-forming region. And the future of the country depends on the future of our region, ”commented the professor, Dr. Geogr. Sciences, Head of the Department of Regional, Municipal Economy and Management USUE Eugene Animitsa.

Today, Russia is facing socio-economic, scientific, technological and cultural challenges against the backdrop of the global humanitarian and technological revolution. There is increased competition in the global space. It becomes clear the need to form a new economic science in order to develop a new theory of the country's development. Work on these issues is the main goal of the MAEF.

A live broadcast of the plenary session of the MAEF - 2019 has started at the USUE. The session's platform has become the Grand Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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