Yakov Silin became a member of Management Board and Presidium of VEO of Russia

April 2, 2018, in St. Petersburg, the Congress of the Free Economic Society of Russia took place, during which Yakov Silin, president of the VEO Ural branch and Rector of Ural State University of Economics, was elected a member of the VEO Management Board, a member of the VEO Presidium and a member of the VEO Council on Youth Policy.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Congress is held for the fourth time and is traditionally devoted to the future of the Russian economy.
This year, around 700 top experts in the field of economics from different countries took part in its work. Scientists and economists from France, Austria, Italy, Greece, China, Great Britain, and Estonia came to the Congress.

"We are dealing with the future of Russia's industrial image," Sergei Bodrunov, president of the Free Economic Society of Russia, told about the goals and tasks of the Congress. "We are studying how the country will develop and live ten, fifty, and one hundred years from now." If several years ago re-industrialization, a new industrial society - all these seemed utopia, today everyone - from scientists to politicians and students - is talking about re-industrialization."
The president of the Free Economic Society of Russia Sergei Bodrunov repeatedly noted "deindustrialization is a tragedy of the Russian economy, the country needs reindustrialization of industry on a new high-tech basis and the evolution of the economic base; to enter the bright industrial future, Russia needs an active industrial policy."

As part of the work of the Congress, the concept of "noonomics" was introduced, which should form the basis of the society of the future. "The growing role of knowledge does not mean that intellectual production replaces material production," Sergei Bodrunov said, "material production itself is becoming much more knowledge-intensive. As a result, there comes a time when in many products the intellectual part starts to significantly exceed the material part. "

Sergei Bodrunov stressed that humanity is now at a crossroads: it either is moving towards "noonomics", or chooses a negative scenario that is fraught with problems up to global catastrophes.

The Congress also solemnly opened the Memorium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx, within the framework of which several large international events to be held in May under the VEO auspices.

The discussion was attended by:
Sergei Bodrunov, director of the Vitte Institute of New Industrial, president of the Free Economic Society of Russia, Doctor of Economics, professor.

Viktor Ivanter, member of the Senate of the VEO of Russia, scientific director of the RAS Institute of Economic Forecasting, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sergei Glazyev, vice-president of the VEO, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Gavriil Popov, chairperson of the VEO Senate (Council of Elders), honorary president of the VEO of Russia, president of the International Union of Economists, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Robert Nigmatulin, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after P. Shirshov, Doctor of Physics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Oleg Smolin, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Education and Science of the State Duma, Doctor of Philosophy , professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ruslan Grinberg, vice-president of the VEO of Russia, scientific director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics , professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Dmitry Sorokin, vice-president of the VEO of Russia, Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Georgy Kleiner, member of the VEO Presidium, Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Yakov Mirkin, head of International Capital Markets Department at the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Doctor of Economics, professor.

The Congress of the Free Economic Society of Russia
- approved a restated Charter of the VEO of Russia.
- unanimously elected Sergey Bodrunov the president of the Free Economic Society of Russia for a period of five years.
- elected a new Management Board of the Society consisting of 128 members for a period of five years.
- elected the Audit Commission of the VEO consisting of 6 members for a period of five years.
- elected the Presidium of the VEO consisting of 53 members: vice-presidents and members of the VEO Presidium,
- approved the membership of the Senate of the Free Economic Society of Russia consisting of 24 people.

April 2, 2018, in St. Petersburg, the Congress of the Free Economic Society of Russia took place, during which Yakov Silin, president of the VEO Ural branch and Rector of Ural State University of Economics, was elected a member of the VEO Management Board, a member of the VEO Presidium and a member of the VEO Council on Youth Policy.

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