Yakov Silin: More and more students are consciously engaged in research. This is another level of interest

Today, students of Ural State University of Economics, who are actively engaged in science, received awards from the USUE Rector Yakov Silin. The contest "The Best Group in Research" was crowned with the honoring of 12 academic groups that made an invaluable contribution to the development of student research in our University.

Prior to the presentation, Yakov Silin noted the importance and potential of student research, "It is nice that you are engaged in science and that you see the point. Those who pursue science will definitely be on their feet and will be well provided with an interesting thing to do for the whole life. We would like to help those who pursue science: this unique experience will be useful to you in future." The Rector also paid attention to the advantage that proactive students have in the scientific community: "More and more students are consciously engaged in research. This is another level of interest. "

This year the best groups in research are:

  • Institute of Finance and Law:
    • 1 place - FK-15-1 group,
    • 2 place - FIN-16-1 group,
    • 3 place - FK-14-2 group.
  • Institute of Economics:
    • 1 place - VED-16-2 group
    • 2 place - РЭ-14 group
    • 3 place - FK-15-1 group
  • Institute of Management and Information Technologies:
    • 1 place - MM-14-1 group
    • 2 place - MM-16-2 group
    • 3 place - MM-15-2 group
    • Special prize for active participation - IDA-16 group.
  • Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Services:
    • 1 place - UK-14 group
    • 2 place - TiE-16 group
    • 3 place - KD-15 group  
    • Special prize for active participation - PP-14 and PB-14 groups.

After the list of the best groups in research was announced, the members of the Council of the Student Scientific Society were rewarded. Letters of Thanks for the contribution to the organization of the contest were awarded to Anastasia Glushkova, Anastasia Smirnova, Nikita Ershov, Anton Nazarov, Darya Plyusnina, Pavel Letov, Darya Kulbayeva, Azizbek Murodullaev, and Mikhail Koinov.

At the end of the event, the head of the Office for Scientific Research Anton Glumov told the students about the measures to support scientific activity at USUE. In his speech, he focused on the fact that pursuing science really raises the level of income, and not always through receiving grants. "Combining scientific and professional activities makes it possible to climb faster the career ladder," he said.

We congratulate all participants and winners of the contest on high achievements in student research and wish them continued success on this difficult track!  

Today, students of Ural State University of Economics, who are actively engaged in science, received awards from the USUE Rector Yakov Silin. The contest "The Best Group in Research" was crowned with the honoring of 12 academic groups that made an invaluable contribution to the development of student research in our University.

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