Youth forums are a platform for professional and personal development. However, many students simply do not know how to come aboard of such events. And some even think that forums are a waste of time and effort.

In August, Yegor Plotnikov, a third-year student at the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies, attended Ladoga Interregional Youth Educational Forum. He told why he had gone to the forum and what he had returned with.
- Up to this summer, I knew almost nothing about youth forums, but everything changed when I saw a post on social networks concerning one of the forums of Rosmolodezh (Federal Agency for Youth Affairs ),  Yegor admitted. - I cannot say for sure what this information has hooked me on. But it became really interesting for me, I decided to try my hand and take part in a similar event.  

I sent an application for five different forums that took place in different cities of the country.  
It is not so easy to make an application; there are 10-15 questions to which you need to give detailed answers. It turns out a small essay about yourself, your interests, hobbies, merits, and plans for the future.
The representatives of the forum called me and said that I had made the cut. Next, I had to sort things out with transfer, and here USUE helped me: the University supported my initiative and paid for the trip.

The program of each forum is individual. Specifically, Ladoga had several areas: marketing, blogging, entrepreneurship, and social sciences.
I applied for the Digital Jedi program. This is just about marketing, online promotion, building a personal brand, positioning on social networks – the topics that I am currently passionate about.
In addition to obligatory lectures, one had a chance of a free visit to other streams, which means an opportunity to gain additional knowledge on related topics: teamwork, setting goals and objectives.

Summing up, I can say that participation in a forum will give different benefits to everyone, but, definitely, will allow nobody to stay indifferent! You will get a lot of emotions, vivid impressions, new friends, and a host of great ideas that you have to bring to life!

Youth forums are a platform for professional and personal development. However, many students simply do not know how to come aboard of such events. And some even think that forums are a waste of time and effort.

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