Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes to get a fresh bachelor's job, and even more so to get a high — paying one. However, according to the Superjob website, USUE graduates do not face this fate. Recently, the site presented a rating of universities on the level of salaries of young professionals employed in the field of Economics and Finance who graduated from the University in 2014-2019. USUE ranks 15th in the ranking of 56 universities.

The rating also noted an increase in the salaries of USUE graduates compared to last year. Also, according to the results of the study, 65% of University graduates chose to stay in Yekaterinburg after graduation, which indicates their demand in the labor market and good conditions in the region for building a future career.

The rating was compiled by the Superjob research center based on a comparison of the average income level of graduates of Russian universities in 2014-2019.

 Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes to get a fresh bachelor's job, and even more so to get a high — paying one. However, according to the Superjob website, USUE graduates do not face this fate. Recently, the site presented a rating of universities on the level of salaries of young professionals employed in the field of Economics and Finance who graduated from the University in 2014-2019. USUE ranks 15th in the ranking of 56 universities.

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