Vladimir Putin noted his achievements

Professor Maxim Maramygin and Professor Olga Chugunova were awarded Certificates of Honor from the President of Russia “For merits in scientific and pedagogical activities, training of qualified specialists.”


Maxim Maramygin is director of the Institute of Strategic Planning and Financial Analysis of USUE, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Finance of the Sverdlovsk Region, expert of the World Bank Institute for Economic Development. A graduate of the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy in 1986, he devoted almost 40 years to economics. Professor Maramygin learned that he had been awarded a Certificate of Honor from his students.

“Of course, this is not an ordinary event. Former students from all over the country began to write and congratulate. But in fact, all this is the fruit of collective efforts,” commented Maxim Maramygin. - Without the support of the leadership, victory cannot be achieved. Without the support of the team, you definitely can’t achieve anything. I was rewarded with a certificate, but this is an assessment of the efforts made by the entire university. And this is an assessment of the highest level.”


Olga Chugunova - head. Department of Power Technology, USUE. Graduate of our university in 1995. In 2023, she was awarded the “Professor of the Year” award from the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. 100 of her scientific works have been published, Professor Chugunova has 6 patents and 2 certificates.

“Thank you to the staff of our university, rector Yakov Petrovich Silin and the Academic Council for nominating me for this award,” she noted. - The bar is set high. But we will continue to improve and strive for new achievements together.”

The order of the President of the Russian Federation “On Encouragement” names about 150 Russians, of which only five are representatives of higher education. Together with USUE teachers, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the deans of two faculties of Moscow State University with a Certificate of Honor. M.V. Lomonosov, as well as the rector of the Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov.

USUE teachers were rewarded with Certificates of Honor from the President of Russia

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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