The services of the rector have been distinguished by the President of Russia

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, rRector of Ural State University of Economics, Professor Yakov Silin was awarded a first-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland.

The Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev presented the honorary award to Yakov Silin, USUE Rector and chairperson of the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg.

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted the many years of conscientious services of Yakov Petrovich, his merits in scientific and pedagogical activities and training of high-skilled specialists.

In his seven years as USUE rector, Yakov Silin contributed significantly to the development and prosperity of the university, the establishment of international relations with universities in the near and far abroad, and the social life of the city.

For active personal participation in implementing socially significant projects, in particular the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, in May 2022, USUE rector, president of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia Yakov Silin was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the VEO of Russia.

In the past, Yakov Petrovich was awarded medals of the USSR, the “Russian National Olympus” prize as the best chairperson of the City Duma in Russia (2003), insignia “Parliament of Russia” - for a great contribution to the development of parliamentarianism in Russia (2003), Golden badge of the Russian Municipal Academy - for the development of local self-governance in Russia (2006), second-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland  (2012), and second class badge of merit of the Sverdlovsk region For Services to the Sverdlovsk Region (2021).

USUE rector Yakov Silin was awarded a first-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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