Well-deserved recognition

Today, the winners of the competition named after P.A. Stolypin “Women - Leaders of the Sverdlovsk Region-2023”. Director of the USUE Unified Laboratory Complex, Natalya Kolberg, was recognized as the best in the nomination “Women-Leaders in Production”.

Natalya Kolberg developed and introduced into production an immunomodulator called Bursanatal. The drug helps fight against cancer of the breast and uterus. The drug has been patented. Clinical trials have shown that at the maximum effective concentration of the drug, the chance of killing cancer cells is 80-92%.

“I have been working on the drug since 2004. We got it from the birds’ bursa of Fabricius - an analogue of the human bone marrow,” Natalya Kolberg explains. “The drug blocks the growth of affected cells and can contain the disease.”

The Unified Laboratory Complex of Ural State University of Economics, in which the drug was developed, is unique. It is an independent laboratory where they carry out an expertise of food, medicines, and alcoholic beverages, and along with conducting its own research. At the Unified Laboratory Complex, scientific research is carried out both by young scientists and by USUE students.

In the nomination “Women-Leaders in Production”, besides Natalya Kolberg, Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences, associate professor at the USUE Department of Food Engineering and at the USUE Department of Quality Management, Examination of Goods and Services, the participants were seven women - heads and top managers of various industrial enterprises.

The competition named after P.A. Stolypin “Women - Leaders of the Sverdlovsk Region - 2023” is organized by the Union of Small and Medium-sized Businesses of the Sverdlovsk region with the support of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The purpose of the competition is to identify and support the best initiatives, projects and practices created or implemented by women, to popularize and disseminate successful practices.

Natalya Kolberg, director of the USUE Unified Laboratory Complex, was awarded for the development of a drug that helps fight cancer

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