Chair of the USUE Department of Economics of Housing, Communal Services and Energy has won Woman of the Year in Science

November 30, the award ceremony for the best women of the region took place. For several months, 86 Sverdlovsk women fought for the prestigious title "Woman of the Year - 2017".

Among the contestants were politicians, scientists, doctors, journalists, and entrepreneurs. All participants of the contest proved themselves in the social and charity program, which was developed by the organizers of the award. Given the public activity of the contestants, the jury selected the winners in each of the ten categories.

The laureate in the nomination "Woman of the Year in Science" became Professor Galina Astratova, USUE Chair of the Department of Economics of Housing, Communal Services and Energy.

The award ceremony was attended by First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Vadim Dubichev and Chairperson of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova .

It should be noted that the prize was established to enhance the status of talented and successful women who contribute to the development of the Sverdlovsk region. According to Olga Ergunova, in spring 2017, the USUE Council of Young Scientists and the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian Union of Young Scientists jointly held the 1st regional competition "Female Face of Science" for women under 35 years of age engaged in science.

The competition was attended by 136 participants - representatives of nine universities and five academic institutions of the Sverdlovsk region. Areas of expertise of the contestants are extremely wide: from the region's exit of the economic crisis to the physical properties of various modifications of carbon.

It was confidence in her own abilities, the skill to properly prioritize, diligence, purposefulness, and feminine charm that helped Galina Astratova touch the heights in her field and become the Woman of the Year in Science.

November 30, the award ceremony for the best women of the region took place. For several months, 86 Sverdlovsk women fought for the prestigious title "Woman of the Year - 2017".

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