Ural State University of Economics is the founder and organizer of a unique youth event in the field of Economics – the annual Eurasian economic forum of youth (EEFY)

This is the largest youth forum among Russian universities. Over the past years, they have already been held ten. In 2019, the forum was attended by 3,500 representatives from 72 countries and 70 regions of Russia. Within the framework of the EEFY, a "Forum of Diplomats" was held , in which the Ambassadors of 11 States participated. 

The XI EEFY is scheduled for April 21-24. Preparation for it is in the final stage. The scale and preliminary applications of participants already significantly exceed the results of the last forum.
However, the current situation in the world with the spread of 2019-nCoV (Wuhan coronavirus) and concern for the safety, health and very life of participants forces me to declare the cancellation of the XI Eurasian economic forum of youth.
On behalf of the staff of our University, I Express my sincere gratitude to all who confirmed their participation and planned to come to us in Yekaterinburg. Among them are Ambassadors of 20 countries from different continents, more than one and a half thousand participants who have already entered competitions in various areas, hundreds of experts from many countries and dozens of Russian universities.?
We appreciate your trust and understand the desire to hold a forum in the interests of the younger generation of our countries, which has become a significant phenomenon in the scientific and educational world. But we can't and can't risk you!
Circumstances force us to make this difficult decision.
The holding of the next XI Eurasian economic forum of youth in Yekaterinburg is tentatively postponed to April 2021.

However, the current situation in the world with the spread of 2019-nCoV (Wuhan coronavirus) and concern for the safety, health and very life of participants forces me to declare the cancellation of the XI Eurasian economic forum of youth.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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