USUE womens basketball team reached the semifinal of students ASB Super League

For several years, the USUE women's basketball team takes part in the student's Super League from the Association of Student Basketball (ASB). Participation in games of this level is an indicator of the prestige of a team. 300 teams from all over the country participate in the Super League, and Ural State University of Economics is not the least.

Our team constantly trains and improves their technique: girls tend to be among the best. Recently, the girls had two games in Ufa.

The game with Neftyanochka (Ufa) was difficult: unfortunately, our students lost to the last-year champions, not least because of a player's injury.

The second game was with a team from Magnitogorsk, in which the University team had a confident win. Alisa Meshchakova, who was injured on the first day, was recognized as the best player.

For two days of competitions, both new players and the old guard showed their worth: Tatyana Litvinova, who recently recovered from a back injury, did not let her opponents rest even for a minute and successfully scored goals. One of the key moments was the entry of a new center - Anastasia Solovieva. The team captain Tatiana Katt showed a good and accurate game. Good were new players of the team - Anastasia Pakleva and Anastasia Cherkashina.

Our team notes that in general, this tour was successful for the team and they have already begun to prepare for the semifinal of the student Super League.

For several years, the USUE women's basketball team takes part in the student's Super League from the Association of Student Basketball (ASB). Participation in games of this level is an indicator of the prestige of a team. 300 teams from all over the country participate in the Super League, and Ural State University of Economics is not the least.

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