USUE Journals – moving on!

The company "Scientific Digital Library" (eLIBRARY) updated the science information on Russian scientific journals at the Russian Research Citation Index over 2019. All four scientific journals of Ural State University of Economics - "Journal of New Economy", "Upravlenets", "Индустрия питания | Food Industry" and "e-FORUM" - have shown improvement of indicators by results of 2019.

The scientific journal «Journal of New Economy», established since 1999 (previously called "Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta") in the overall ranking SCIENCE INDEX for 2019 took 153rd place, maintaining high rates of progress on this indicator.

Position of "Journal of New Economy" journalranked by SCIENCE INDEX 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1058 669 253 199 153

This indicator of the journal JNE in SCIENCE INDEX rating annually increases by at least 30%.

This made it possible for the journal to take the 21st position in the country for 2019 on the theme "Economy. Economic Sciences". The two-year impact factor of Russian Research Citation Index in 2019 was 1,118.

The scientific and analytical journal «Upravlenets», which is indexed in the international scientific citation database Emerging Source Citation Index Web of Science, in the ranking SCIENCE INDEX of Russian Research Citation Index for 2019 on the theme "Organization and management" took 6th position. Significant growth is achieved in the two-year impact factor of Russian Research Citation Index, which is 1.246.

It is necessary to note that the scientific and production journal of Ural State University of Economics «Индустрия питания | Food Industry» also demonstrated good results on scientific indicators.. The two-year impact factor of Russian Research Citation Index in 2019 was 0.635 (2018 - 0.542), and the five-year impact factor of Russian Research Citation Index without self-citation was 0.585 (2018 — 0.375). In spite of the fact that the journal is quite young, by its specialization "Food Industry" it was ranked 8th and 3rd in the Russian Research Citation Index rating by the presented indicators (two-year impact factor and five-year impact factor) accordingly.

The indicators of the electronic scientific journal «e-FORUM» were also calculated. The two-year impact factor of the Russian Research Citation Index in 2019 was 0.096. This was the first calculation of indicators in the history of the journal.

Ural State University of Economics would like to express its gratitude to the team of editors, members of editorial boards, and authors of journals without whom such results would not have been possible. We invite Russian and foreign scientists to publish their research in Ural State University of Economics journals! Our publications will become even more impressive with you!

The company "Scientific Digital Library" (eLIBRARY) updated the science information on Russian scientific journals at the Russian Research Citation Index over 2019. All four scientific journals of Ural State University of Economics - "Journal of New Economy", "Upravlenets", "Индустрия питания | Food Industry" and "e-FORUM" - have shown improvement of indicators by results of 2019.

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