The university launched an educational project “USUE Dynasties.” In the reading room of the Library Complex, there will be a series of meetings with families whose members worked or are working for Ural State University of Economics.

The USUE Dynasties project is dedicated to the Year of the Family in Russia.

“It is a family that shapes a person’s identity and his character. This is a social institution where they teach, educate, and pass on traditions and knowledge. There are famous dynasties at USUE; we even published a book about the history of these amazing families,” Yulia Taushkanova, the head of reading room at the USUE Library Complex, emphasized.

At the first meeting within the project, students from the Institute of Economics and Finance and USUE College got acquainted with the Veselov dynasty. Its founder, Nikolai Grigorievich, was the rector of the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy from 1971 to 1982. His daughter, son, grandson, and great-granddaughters spoke about the professional journey of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.

“Dad often repeated: I will always be young because I work with young people. This year Nikolai Grigorievich would celebrate his 100th anniversary,” Lyudmila Kuklina, (Veselova), Nikolai Veselov’s daughter, said.

Doctor of Economics Nikolai Veselov was the rector of the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy until the end of his life. Under his leadership, the university got three student dormitory buildings for nonresident students, opened a military department, and built a new academic building in 1980, which now serves as the main one. The Soviet scientist and economist imparted his love for knowledge and science to his children.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kuklina (Veselova), a candidate of economic sciences, worked at the university for 43 years. She taught at the Department of Corporate Economics and Business Management, and was also the Chair of the Trade Union Organization of USUE Employees for 25 years.

“For the first six months after retirement, I really missed the university. I came short of student’s energy, because that very phrase of my father haunted me,” Lyudmila Kuklina (Veselova) admitted.

Other members of the Veselov family also connected their lives with science: his son Igor Nikolaevich is the Candidate of Technical Sciences, director of the Pipe Industry Research Institute. His grandson Igor is Doctor of Medical Sciences, a physician of superior merit in dermatology.

“It was very interesting to hear about the people who worked for the university, built and developed it. Now we see the finished result, but it is incredible how much work was put into creating it,” a second-year student of the USUE Institute of Economics and Finance, Darina Ibragimova, shared her impressions.

The educational project “USUE Dynasties” will continue. The next meeting with the family who has cast its lot with the higher school will take place at the end of April. The organizers also plan to prepare a photo exhibition with project participants.

The university launched an educational project “USUE Dynasties”

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